About Us


I’m a man on a mission to help YOU navigate your way to financial freedom! I know, I know, “financial freedom” is cliché nowadays. However, when I say “financial freedom”, I mean reaching a place financially where your finances (earned income, passive income, investments, etc.) exceed what you need to survive. My mission is to lead you to a point where you control your money, instead of your money controlling you! My mission is to enhance your quality of life by providing clear, practical and easy to implement principles that (if followed) will put you on the path to experience true financial freedom.


I started my journey much like millions of others, in poverty. I spent many years losing the game of money and wealth accumulation, because I didn’t know the rules of the game. A large portion of my money failures can be attributed to ignorance. I’d followed the advice of the “experts” (family members, broke friends, and even late night infomercials), which only put me further away from building wealth. These so called “financial experts” escorted me straight into a world of debt (both financial and mental). My process of escaping was painful, embarrassing, degrading and humiliating. I didn’t have anyone I could trust to show me where I was going wrong or how to get on the right path.



I started my journey much like millions of others, in poverty. I spent many years losing the game of money and wealth accumulation, because I didn’t know the rules of the game. A large portion of my money failures can be attributed to ignorance. I’d followed the advice of the “experts” (family members, broke friends, and even late night infomercials), which only put me further away from building wealth. These so called “financial experts” escorted me straight into a world of debt (both financial and mental). My process of escaping was painful, embarrassing, degrading and humiliating. I didn’t have anyone I could trust to show me where I was going wrong or how to get on the right path.



I believe YOU can achieve the quality of life you desire if you are willing to UNLOCK YOUR MIND! Our mind controls our thoughts, habits, philosophies, fears, emotions, etc. I believe the key to your success in life is identifying and defeating the mental obstacles that suggest we can’t accomplish our goals.

I believe we become what we THINK about! Therefore, your dominate thoughts will always manifest itself. If you say to yourself, “I can’t”, your mind must get in agreement with you. Therefore, YOU CAN’T! If you say to yourself “I Can”, your mind must get in agreement with you. Therefore, YOU CAN!

I believe the ultimate purpose of achieving financial freedom and building wealth is to give back by making financial Contributions to support the things that matter most to us.


I share my powerful message as a keynote speaker at corporate events, schools, conferences, and religious events. I also conduct on site training’s using my new 30 minute “Lunch Money” series which is done on site for companies and organizations.

I provide financial coaching for families and individuals who are really motivated to change their finances. Together, we create a “customized” financial road map they can follow on their journey to financial freedom.

My message is perfect for anyone with dreams and ambitions of enhancing their quality of life, becoming debt free, achieving financial freedom, or discovering new methods to build wealth. I can’t wait to share my message with YOU!


I share my powerful message as a keynote speaker at corporate events, schools, conferences, and religious events. I also conduct on site training’s using my new 30 minute “Lunch Money” series which is done on site for companies and organizations.

I provide financial coaching for families and individuals who are really motivated to change their finances. Together, we create a “customized” financial road map they can follow on their journey to financial freedom.

My message is perfect for anyone with dreams and ambitions of enhancing their quality of life, becoming debt free, achieving financial freedom, or discovering new methods to build wealth. I can’t wait to share my message with YOU!